Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Mid Term Paper
All these outcomes are from â€Å"Suture†as Kaka Silverman mentioned in her chapter â€Å"Suture is the name even to the procedures by means of which cinematic text confer subjectivity upon their viewers†(Silverman) . There are three important tools that Kaka Silverman writing said we will need enable Suture to function are shot relationships, narrative progression and sexual difference, picked to focus on the sexual difference from those three tools . 1 am going to use two examples to explain more and how I see the suture works.They are the episode four from The Dick Van Dyke Show Bank book 6565696 and The Honeymooner season one episode one-TV or not TV the references show in this essay. These two shows are from the sass and the asses. We can easily find out social differences between the two time period, even thou they are only about 10 years apart from each other. First, the story line for The honeymooner is talks about the daily family life of a pair of couple Ralp h and Lisa. In this episode , Lisa want to buy a set of television.Ralph finally get one, but its sharing with his friend also neighbor,De. Even thou Ralph is the one who do not want to get it at first, he starts being the one who always watching the television set. Then De and Ralph start fighting against each other for the time using the television after he they bought the set of the television back. Then, the story that the episode of The Dick Van Dyke show is about Rob the husband accidentally found his wife Laura keep a private bankbook that have 378 dollars.In the 1 sass , 378 is a huge amount of money-That is the reason why Rob talks to his co-worker and discuss about the situation he is going through, and Rob thought Laura going to use those money to get a new projector as his birthday present . Turns out ,Laura only got Rob a sport shirt-Rob become really frustrated and want to know why Laura keep such a big secret from him. Rob asked and found out Laura wants to give him a egger surprise, she is saving to get Rob his dream car. Base on these two shows , I defined that Silverman argument works.Inside the shows , the female characters act as a object that displace negative values on to all the events happened to them. We can see that both Lisa and Laura , the female characters in side the shows are the person or the main reason cause the entire story happen or linked all the events together. Laura keep her own private money for getting Rob his dream car and Lisa wanted to get a new television set at home, but they are not the one that can made the decision. But can see a huge difference in two of the female character's personality.Lisa is the traditional wife that listen to his husband and Laura still depends on his husband but she can make her own decisions.. Women's position in the family have been a lot as the society also change when the time goes by. For example in the Honeymooner, Lisa was fixing the sink and do everything in the house and Rob is the one that can go bowling ,have fun with friends. In the other hand , Laura in The Dick Van Dyke Show is able to go out of the house and do shopping and Rob was the one who fixing the toaster and projector .We can easily notice that there is a change in a female character's role. According to Silverman in her chapter on â€Å"Suture†, the female character signifies the absence of the power ,privilege and they are not in control of their life. The women characters usually provide the mean for representing the deprivation, they also represents castration and attracts the sense of the viewer. (Silverman) We can easily find Out what Silverman mentioned in her chapter. The two female characters are housewife that have no income on their own , they need their husband to pay with most of the stuff they want to buy.For example, Laura need Rob to give her money to buy grocery, and Lisa can not buy herself a television set without Rally's permission. This can also prove what we have said as the time move on , the role and power of the female character have been change. Not only like we mentioned , here we can see that the phallus that Laura have is a lot more than Lisa , we can notice that from how Rob and Ralph treat their wife. Ralph in the show is still the boss of the house ,he is in charge of all the money, but Rob is letting her wife to decide how she use the money.Suture operate often more in masculine, it create an exchange of lenses hat the male viewers and the male audiences. In the videos that we talk about here, audiences will easily sharing the same feeling and point of views with the male characters. As we see that we are going through the stories as the male characters are the narrator of the stories. Especially in the episode of The Honeymooner. Lisa was the one who wants to buy a television set at home in the very beginning but after they got the television ,we barely sees her using the television.Ralph and De were the people that fighting to use the sets through out the entire episode. It shows us a point that Silverman minted out , the female is used as an object that attract viewers senses inside the show. Silverman define suture is a process of sinking in and being pull into the screen. Through our eyes to negotiate to the world, be relax and absent absent to yourself. She mentioned about three important tools to enable suture to function. In the shows if there is anyone of the tool is missing , the suture will not function well because they are all neck to neck rely on each other .Suture is not only about sharing what the character sees , is also sharing the character's feeling, emotions and what they hear by transferring he television screen into your space. If the shot and reverse shot is missing , viewers will never see things from the character's eyes . They can only get the view from the third person, then the viewer can never be stand in a particular point of view that the character define what they see. The s ame result will come out if the narrative is missing. Let represent a big portion of the indispensable part of the system of suture†Silverman said. A production without narrative progression is like a person who walk around normally but without their brain function. Narration connected the entire tortellini as they have the energy to make the character more real, because it can made the viewer understand what the character wants and help them go through all the scenes. We can understand why people always get lost and confused in some shows that the narration is not fixed on one character.The audiences that both of the shows are geared toward are the house wife in the middle class family. As we know that in the 1 sass to the 1 9605, televisions started to become one Of a new breaking technology that spread among the people. Numbers of middle class family that have a television set increased in those years. Shows like The Honeymooner and The Dick Van Dyke Show are targeted to t hose middle class housewife that have nothing to do like the Lisa and Laura, the characters in those shows.The shows want them to be relax and absent of being themselves from their busy housework. In my opinion , I think both of the shows successfully utilize Suture. There are some shots in The Honeymooner make me recall what I normally did when I was watching television. For example, how Ralph and De fight for picking a television show to watch. Also, how we set all the food and drinks in a reachable distances, so that they do not have to walk around during itching the program. Mid term paper This opened up a whole new opportunity for the Europeans as the demands and the trade grew, Ships were departing from towns in Italy and Asia. Christopher Columbus discovered North American in 1492. Columbus sailed east from Europe trying to find a route to the east. He failed to Sal east because of the landmass that was In his way. Columbus believe he sailed to India because of the landmass and called the land the â€Å"West Indies†and the people he found there as â€Å"Indians†. This led to the exploration and overseas expansion to North America from Europe. The expansion grew as the growth of expanding trade grew out of Europe.The discovery of the New World took a rise as the transfer of plants, animal's food demanded the human population to expand. All these things that took place from 1000-1492 changed Europe forever. The demands in trade gave Europeans the opportunity for new forms of employment and ability to travel out of Europe for work. What were the major pr oblems facing American leaders during the asses? What were the main weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? How did those weaknesses prevent the new government from dealing with the new nation's major problems?How did the Constitution of 1 787 alter the structure and operation of the national government to more effectively deal with those problems? This period was called the â€Å"Critical Periods†, it was a time right after the American Revolution war that took place in 1783. George Washington became the president of this time in 1789. After the war the economic problems just grew. The British navy destroyed most of the American ships and also taking over there flow of trade. The farmers suffered tremendously due to the army steeling from their farms in order to eat.Once the war was over in 781 the exports to Brittany was restricted, British created a law that prohibited trade with the remaining sugar colonies that were in the Caribbean. The articles of confederation wa s a document signed by all 13 original colonies that put together the united States of America. The confederation left most of the power to the state governments. The weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation was that the states could not be forced by the government to obey Its laws. Also It did not have the power to enforce any type of laws.The congress lacked the strong leadership and here was no system of national courts. In order for a change to be made to the with no army to protect the nation. Compare and contrast the northern, middle, and southern colonies by 1760. What experiences were unifying the colonies? How were the British colonies different from Spain's colonies? All three colonies had major differences in there economic activity and their culture. The resentment of the British held them together as they were suffering hard times as Brittany kept on restraining trade, shipping and manufacturing.The Northern Colonies was largely religious. Even though religion was pr acticed more in the Southern Colonies, a lot of people from the north were still very religious. Instead, there main focus was never on gaining wealth. The South was mostly agricultural and a big part of the workers were African American slaves. Tobacco was the main export of the Southern economy. In the Northern Colonies farming was usually Just done to provide Just for the family. The economy of New England, Northern, and colonies was based on the rivers and forests for the most part and the southern colonies were more focused on farming.There are only a people of similarities and differences in the colonies. People beginning a new life for themselves was a similarity both regions had. These regions were founded for many different reason including political freedom, religion, conquest and economy. The British colonies were recruited from farmers, artisans and tradesmen. Immigrants from other countries were welcomed. In the Spanish colonies it contained more soldiers, conquistadore s and mission Aries were the primary source of people. The farmers and traders come at a later date.The government for the English colonies allowed colonist to set up local governments and representative assemblies and to make sure to tax themselves as long as they did not take up arms against the crown. In the Spanish colonies they were governed by the crown appointed governors. The settlers had to obey the laws the king set since the settlers could make laws on their own. The religion for the English was mostly non-Catholics. The puritans in Massachusetts established an autocratic and restrictive religious leadership. For the Spanish colonies the settlers were restricted to Catholics.The people that protested ere persecuted and driven out. The economy on the British colony was rice, tobacco, timber and fish. The economic activities were farming, trading and also fishing. In the Spaniard colonies it was a more largely trading economy. It was controlled by the Spaniards and the boar d of trade. What major challenges did Americans face during the War for Independence, and how did they overcome those challenges and defeat Great Britain? The British always seemed unbeatable. During the previous 100 years, the British had enjoyed victory after victory from countries that were powerful like Spain and France.The odds never looked good for the Americans on this war. Brittany had the best military in the world, their soldiers were well fed, paid good money and also well disciplined. The British military was also very well equipped unlike the American. Funds were so much easily raised by the empire then by the continental congress. A lot of those funds were used to hire Hessian Mercenaries to fight of the Americans. The Americans always had a difficult time being able to raise enough funds to purchase the basic supplies most Indians sided with Brittany who promised them protection over their land.The downfall for the Brittany was that they were fighting a war that was f ar from home. Their supplies that they needed sometimes took months to reach their destination. The British objective for this war to persuade the American to give up their claims for independence. Americans were fighting for their rights, independence and liberty. The soldiers and the leaders were inexperienced but always seemed competent. This war was very expensive, this war gave Americans courage which gave Americans a favor. Describe and explain the roles played by loyalists, African Americans, women, andAmerican Indians during the Revolutionary War. How did the outcome of the war affect them? The principle is this was freedom which motivated the black slaves to join the Patriot or the British army. Proximally 5 percent of the American soldiers in the battle of Bunker Hill were black. They received the same pas as whites although they never held a high rank. The blacks in the war served in integrated units. An estimated 100, 00 African Americans died or were killed during the w ar. They thought the concept of using slaves in the army would mean that the economy would collapse without slavery.Women in the revolutionary war took many different roles. They were nurses, cooks and maids and sometimes even secret soldiers and spies. Many of the women nurses were camp followers, wives, daughters and even mothers of the soldiers. The most common role the women played were cooks, maids, laundresses and water bearers for the army. This was the first time women took a role in the war since these duties were reserved for male soldiers. Women were not allowed to serve in the military but they still served as secret soldiers. They would disguise themselves by cutting their hair and using masculine names to blend in.A lot of the motivation for Joining the army is unknown but most of these women were poor and needed to earn money for their families. They also worked as spies, most of the female spies worked as maids or cooks for the British and had a lot of insight about the movements, military plans and supply shortages and the deliveries. The loyalist supported the British. They were mostly older, educated and wealthier than most Americans. The life for the loyalist was difficult during the war. Loyalist who lived in the area that was being controlled by the patriots lost their businesses and moms.
Inaccessibility: Fiction and Miller
Inaccessibility Brook Thomas in his essay Preserving and Keeping Order by Killing Time in Heart of Darkness extends J. Hills Miller’s â€Å"unveiling†(Miller 220) of Conrad’s narrative. Miller’s essay Heart of Darkness Revisited demonstrates how Heart of Darkness â€Å"belongs to the genre of the parabolic apocalypse†(Miller 217). Thomas responds to Miller’s unveiling â€Å"a lack of decisive unveiling in Heart of darkness†(Miller 220) by reading â€Å"historically the narrative that Conrad weaves†(Thomas 239) so that we might be able â€Å"to come closer to a truth†(Thomas 239).Thomas presents the possibilities of decisive unveiling, which Miller claims, Heart of Darkness lacks. Miller’s questions what makes Heart of Darkness an apocalyptic parable? Subsequently Miller analyzes Conrad’s narrative â€Å"in light of these generic classifications†(Miller 207). Thomas is cautious in interpreting Co nrad’s narrative and questions the possibility of being able to glimpse into an essential truth by placing the text in historical context.Thomas quotes Miller, to synthesise â€Å"Conrad’s fiction in the context of the history of ideas†(Thomas 242), and later on takes up Miller’s suggestion in the evaluation of The Nigger of the â€Å"Narcissus†by Conrad to demonstrate that there can be â€Å"decisive unveiling†(Miller 220). Although Thomas does not mention Miller’s essay Heart of Darkness Revisited he quotes Miller’s The Disappearance of God and Poets of Reality. In addition to Thomas quoting Miller, both critiques adopt similar approaches in their essays.One of the first passage they quote from Heart of Darkness is Marlow informing us â€Å"the meaning of an episode was not inside like a kernel but outside, enveloping the tale which brought it out only as a glow brings out a haze, in the likeness of one of these misty hal os that sometimes are made visible by the spectral illumination of moonshine†(Heart of Darkness p. 20) both critiques examine Conrad’s writing and his purpose of writing.Miller’s analysis is that Conrad presents to us the description of â€Å"two kinds of stories: simple tales and parables†(Miller 208) and that Marlow’s stories â€Å"like the meaning of a parable- is outside, not in†(Miller 208) and goes on to say that the parable is inaccessible. Thomas quotes this passage to agree with Miller that â€Å"there is no guarantee that we will penetrate to the essential truth†(Thomas 239) at the same time suggest the possibility to glimpse truth â€Å"if we read historically the narrative that Conrad weaves†(Thomas 239).I am convinced that Thomas complicates Millers argument. Miller quotes Marx to define a parable like â€Å"the use of real life condition to express another reality or truth not otherwise expressible†he then compares the parable used from the Bible to demonstrate how Conrad’s fiction functions as a parable. Miller proves Heart of Darkness to be a parabolic apocalypse.In reference to the earlier passage from Heart of Darkness of the haze, Miller compares the image of the haze and illumination Conrad creates, with the â€Å"case of Jesus’ parable of the sower†(Miller 210) as Conrad uses â€Å"realistic and almost universally known facts as the means of expressing indirectly another truth less visible†(Miller 210). Miller further explains that Conrad’s parable becomes not just a way to examine Marlow’s story, consequently to examine Conrad’s narrative itself.Miller quotes Wallace Stevens that â€Å"there is no such thing as a metaphor of a metaphor†and moves on to use the Bible and Conrad’s The Nigger if the â€Å"Narcissus†to demonstrate inaccessibility of Heart of Darkness. Using the parable of the sower Mille r explains: â€Å"If you understand the parable you do not need it. If you need it you cannot possibly understand it†(Miller 210). Likewise Heart of Darkness based on the facts of History and Conrad’s life is used to express â€Å"the evasive and elusive truth underlying both historical and personal experience†(Miller 210) being a parable would fail to illuminate one who does not see the darkness.Miller picks out the passage of Marlow’s narration of life sensation and the impossibility of communicating life sensation sets it against the image of the halo in the mist to show us that Heart of Darkness â€Å"is a revelation of the impossibility of revelation†(Miller 212). The Nigger of the â€Å"Narcisusus†is used by both critiques to examine Conrad’s purpose of writing but interpretations of both critiques differ. They both quote similar passage of Conrad proclaiming his attempt to make his readers see and â€Å"that glimpse of tru th for which you have forgotten to ask†.Miller picks out the â€Å"double paradox†of seeing darkness in terms of light and the two sense of see one as physical vision and second the unveiling the invisible truth. Like the parable of the sower Miller states the Heart of Darkness does not accomplish in makes the reader glimpse truth. This analysis differs from Thomas analysis of the same quotation from The Nigger of the â€Å"Narcisusus†. Firstly Thomas uses this quotation to synthesis Conrad’s narrative and history, that Conrad re-envisions the way ineteenth-century historians that to â€Å"discover truth we had forgotten was to reconstruct it historically†(Thomas 248) linking the reading of the narrative with historical context. Secondly Thomas quotes The Nigger of the â€Å"Narcisusus†where â€Å"Conrad explicitly compares his work as an artist to the work of civilization†(Thomas 254) here Thomas links reading Heart of Darkness fo r the Conrad’s writing and focus on work. While Miller narrows the reading of Heart of Darkness and the inaccessibility of the narrative, Thomas points various ways to allow the narrative to be accessible.Miller examines the similarity between a parable and apocalypse genre through the notion that both â€Å"is an act of unveiling†(Miller 207). Again Miller uses the Bible to demonstrate how Heart of Darkness follows the genre of the apocalypse. Miller compares Conrad’s narrative structure of how the â€Å"reader of Heart of Darkness learns through the relation of the primary narrator, who learned through Marlow, who learned through Kurtz†(Miller 214) to â€Å"the book of Revaltion, God speaks through Jesus, who speaks through a messenger angle, who speaks through John of Patmos, who speaks to us†(Miller 214).This speaking through one next farther is what characterizers Heart of Darkness as the genre of the apocalypse. Miller synthesis of Heart o f Darkness as a parabolic apocalypse is what leads to his conclusion to the lack of decisive unveiling in the novel. The â€Å"ventriloquism†(Miller 214) of having a voice behind a voice and deprives the novel a voice of authority. Miller proves how the novel fits in the generic classification and identify the writing of Conrad to unveil as deeper truth but points out that the problems of the parable and apocalypse in making the Heart of Darkness inaccessible.Thomas acknowledges this inaccessibility but presents us with possible accessible reading through the synthesises he suggests. Thomas quotes Conrad’s Notes on Life and Letters and follows through Conrad’s stand that â€Å"fiction is history†and by placing Heart of Darkness in the context of history we can attempt to glimpse a truth. Thomas presents that Conrad weaves a story that â€Å"that proves to be truer that history†(Thomas 242). Thomas introduces British modernist novelist James Joyc e, D.H Lawrence, Virginia Woolf and E. M. Foster linking them with the â€Å"Jacques Lacan’s revision of Hegel†(Thomas 243) and some recent critiques concept of â€Å"the other†. By using the modern novelist to illustrate encounter between east and west Thomas synthesises Heart of Darkness as an encounter of Europe’s another with the other within itself. Thomas goes on to demystify the Eurocentric history and draws on modern thinkers Friedrich Nietzsche for poststructuralist thought and Sigmund Freud for psychoanalysis.Thomas states â€Å"for critics like Miller trying to cope with the loss of confidence in the Eurocentric view that is dramatized by Conrad’s narrative†(Thomas 244) but Thomas asserts that Conrad’s narrative help identify the condition for poststructuralist thought. And Freud as Thomas states â€Å"Conrad’s narrative [of] Africa eludes all attempts of the Western mind-especially a male mind – to underst and it†. However Thomas points out the problem of simply accepting this reading denying the encounter with â€Å"the other†the non – European, if it is reduced to a function of understanding Europe.Thomas goes back to close read and from the novel and looks at The Nigger of the â€Å"Narcisusus†to examine Conrad’s purpose. How Thomas moves beyond Miller in his analysis is by examining the â€Å"breaks and gaps†(Thomas 251) within the narrative. Miller almost alludes to the encounter of the other within Europe â€Å" the end of the Western civilization, or of Western imperialism, the reversal of idealism into savagery†(Miller 218) but goes on to show that the ironies in Marlow’s narrative is impossible to read with a clear meaning.Miller begins with Marx by using his definition of parable conversely Thomas ends with Marx in examining work and how it is â€Å"work, then, that constructs the lie of civilization†(Thomas 255). Thomas refers back to Conrad’s The Nigger of the â€Å"Narcisusus†examines a passage and draws Miller into the discussion pointing to the task of the writer to be a workman of art to provide a glimpse of truth to the man caught in labour. Work then links with Conrad’s narrative and the breaks and gaps from which Thomas suggests to draw a definitive unveiling.Thomas ends with a more radical envisioning one which allows â€Å"the other†to be represented not one suppressed in an understanding of Europe while Miller ends that his analysis of the novel has made his a witness pushing the truth further away as he adds on to the voices. As compelling as Miller’s close reading and comparison with the Bible, Thomas's extension of Miller’s discussions makes Thomas argument more convincing as he presents an additional step of not just looking into Conrad’s narrative but also the breaks in it.Reference Miller, J. Hillis. â€Å"Heart of Da rkness Revisited. †In Conrad Revisited: Essays for the Eighties, edited by Ross C. Murfin, pp. 31-50. University: The University of Alabama Press, 1985. Thomas, Brook â€Å"Preserving and Keeping Order by Killing Time in Heart of Darkness. †In Conrad Revisited: Essays for the Eighties, edited by Ross C. Murfin, pp. 31-50. University: The University of Alabama Press, 1985.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Ethics Log Essay
I was out shopping with a friend and saw something that struck me as very unethical. We were eating at the mall and the manager at one of the fast food places at the food court was given extra money then was due by a customer that was directly ahead of my friend in line. Instead of giving the lady back the extra money he pocketed the money. I know that we are in a financially hard time, but still the man should have told the women that she gave him too much money instead of pocketing the difference. It made me promptly decide to eat at a different place that day. September 15, 2008: I was struck today by something that made me have faith in other people. A man was rushing to leave a store and his wallet dropped out of his pocket. Two teenagers were standing around and watching the people going in and out and they both saw what happened. One of them walked over and picked up the wallet. I thought that the kid was going to pocket the money in the wallet, but instead he walked over to where the man was still putting groceries into his car. He handed the man his wallet and told him that he saw it fall out of his pocket. The man thanked him and offered him a reward. The kid shook his head and said a reward wasn’t necessary. Most of the time teenagers are given a bad name, but seeing that kid be as honest as he was made me feel good knowing that our future are the hands of kids like that. September 22, 2008: I was taking my mother to the doctor and I saw something that seemed to me to be very unethical. Two nurses were waiting for the elevator and they were discussing patients, using the first names of those patients. No one else was around the elevator, so these two women must have thought they were alone. I couldn’t believe my ears, because they were talking in very load tones and telling each other about the details of each patient. I know that doctors are held to strict ethical standards and I thought nurses were too. Anyone could have been listening to these two women gossiping. They finally stopped when I cleared my throat and gave them a look. September 29, 2008: I was watching the evening news and one story struck me as interesting. It was a story about a building contractor who had used substandard materials on some houses that he had built. The people who had bought these homes found mold and parts of their houses were falling down so that living in these homes were dangerous to the occupants. I have always believed that building contractors had an ethical right to use materials that would ensure a safe environment for the people that buy the finished homes. It seems this man cared more for the end dollar that he received then for the quality of building he produced. October 6, 2008: I was watching the news the other night and I saw a story about a psychologist that was being accused of having a relationship with a patient. I was appalled at this fact since psychologists are people who should realize how unethical something like that is. Doctors are in a position of authority over their patients and as such should not abuse hat authority by becoming involved with their patients. The psychologist is facing criminal charges and will probably have his license to practice psychology revoked. I was shocked and outraged by this story and it made me wonder what had to be going through the man’s head to get into such a situation as this where he ahs put his professional life and the reputation of his family in jeopardy. October 14, 2008: I was shopping this weekend and I saw something that struck me not only as ethical but as an example of the goodness in people. I was walking down the street from store to the next and in an alleyway there was a man who for all intents and purposes was homeless or he appears that way. As I was walking I had to stop and answer my cell phone and in vainly trying to find my phone everything in my bag fell out and spilled all over the sidewalk. This man, who was dirty from his head to his feet, came over and started helping me pick things up. I was in such a rush that I didn’t notice that my credit card had bounced in the shadows. I gave the man a curt thank you and was walking away when I heard the man come up behind me. I thought at first he was going to try and do something to me (we all don’t like to admit it but stereotypes sometimes linger in the back of the man about homeless people), and turned ready to hit the man when he smiled toothlessly at me and told me I had dropped my credit card. This man could have pocketed the card, but he chose to do the ethical and right thing of returning the card to me. October 20, 2008: An article that I read recently stuck me as very unethical practices. It was an article on how Treasury Secretary Paulson was utilizing his old Wall Street firm as a way to investigate the goings on of other Wall Street firms. The problem then is that it gives other people the idea that now Paulson’s old firm has their hands in the proverbial Treasury Cookie Jar. That kind of practice is not just unethical but wrong. The United States Treasury is something that has to investigate firms and by allowing a Wall Street firm to be seen as having ties in the department of Treasury gives the idea that the department of the Treasury is biased and will allow this firm to get by with everything and there will not be any repercussions. October 27, 2008: I was reading an article in the newspaper and came across a story about a court case in which the case had to be dismissed because the evidence that was collected was tainted. Apparently when he evidence was collected, it was misplaced and then found two days later. This struck me as highly unethical, since from my understanding when something like that happens it’s hard to know if it is really from the crime or if it had been planted. It also struck me as unethical because evidence should not be contaminated or last in order to make sure questions are not raised in the long run. November 3, 2008: I read in the newspaper about a new school curriculum that has been used at some schools around the nation. Building Decision Skills (BDS) that had â€Å"potentially positive effects†on students. This curriculum targets character education, strengthens critical thinking skills, builds leadership skills, and focuses on teaching students the best way to make ethical decisions as they enter the high school setting and are affected more by peer pressure. I remember my own high school days and how tough it can be when surrounded by friends that want you to make a decision that you don’t feel comfortable with. Ethical behavior after all is learning the right way to do something or the right choice to make when in a given situation. This new curriculum will help students with those kinds of situations. November 10, 2008: The newspaper had an interesting story about the Emperor’s Club and the case against the New York attorney general Eliot Spitzer and his charges for hiring prostitutes. Tania Hollander, the VIP scheduler for the club, also had to take responsibility in the unethical behavior of the attorney general. Ms. Hollander will face jail time for her part in this case, while the New York attorney general was cleared of the charges against him. The attorney for Ms. Hollander made a point of insinuating that this kind of nonsense was unethical in the least because it gives the public the idea that the New York attorney general is being given a slap on the wrist because of his position as an attorney general. Abuse of position such as this is always an unfair and unethical practice.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Nanyang Technology University and Management theories Essay
Nanyang Technology University and Management theories - Essay Example As to Bedeian (1993), the Hawthorne Studies developed an onset focus on how the employees can be motivated through the approaches used by the management in human relationship. After Hawthorne Studies, a lot of related studies had been conducted by many researches that tried to explain how people from the organization can be best motivated and why motivation of employees is needed (Terpstra, 1979). According to Smith (1994), people from the organization must be motivated for survival; since, employees help the organization to survive. It comes to the point wherein managers like me must understand the need of the people in the organization to ensure that the employees are well-motivated. However, according to Bowen & Radhakrishna (1991), motivating the employees can be the most complex among the many functions of the managers, as people differences occur and needs and interests among individuals in the organization greatly exist. Comparing the needs of younger people and those that grow old in the organization, the younger people tend to be well-motivated with remuneration increases than that of the older ones. As people grows older, challenges in work beco mes more of a motivator than money per se (Kovach, 1987). However, when the managers learn the skills needed in motivating people in the organization, the benefits in the organization can be fully achieved. According to Cranfield School of Management 'Leading and motivating the [your] staff helps bring about' (2008, n.p.): Higher staff retention - A well-motivated person in the organization will not intend to leave the organization as they achieve satisfactions on the organization itself. This in return leads to the reduction of recruitment costs. Management must bear in mind that a person lost in the organization is a skill and time lost of the organization. Higher levels of productivity- The organization benefits from well-motivated people as the people level of productivity is increased. The saying goes that people whose needs and integrity are uplifted work harder than those who are less motivated. More innovation and creativity- People in the organization who are well-motivated to work due to a better understanding of their needs and interests led them to accept better changes and guide them to be more innovative and creative. Higher profits- This is a by-product of increase in production and more innovative and creative people in the organization. A better reputation - A well-established organization brought about by well-motivated people create a better reputation in the industry and trust is built from the points of view of the business world. Understanding the Management Theories In order to fully understand people, the management must understand the different theories behind managing people in the organization. These theories may guide the management to the implementation of the organizations missions and visions in accordance to their programs; as well as these theories may help them to fully evaluate the organization's strengths and weaknesses in terms people management. As I have studied the different th
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Reading Assignment 5 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Reading 5 - Assignment Example I think this is important because looking at absurdity as springing from anxiety makes one realize that many of the absurd things we do or see happen because of fear or apprehension of consequences and of things to come. â€Å"Tomorrow, he was longing for tomorrow, wheras everything in him ought to reject it. That revolt of the flesh is the absurd†(14). Many people tell themselves that tomorrow will be better only to get through the day. This is another absurdity of life. Everyone hopes for something better but they know that this is just wishful thinking. I think this is interesting because it is consciousness telling itself that tomorrow will be better than today, however, it is as if the conscious mind knows that it is lying to itself. Hence, this â€Å"revolt of the flesh†is absurd because consciousness telling itself lies is absurd. â€Å"But what is absurd is the confrontation of this irrational and the wild longing for clarity whose call echoes the human heart †(21). The world is often irrational yet the heart longs to make sense of it all. Thus what I think is meant here is that incompatibility of the irrational reality of things and the clarity that people desire is, in itself, an absurdity. This incompatibility leads to absurd situations where people try to make sense out of something if only to maintain their sense of clarity.
Saturday, July 27, 2019
The debasement of the coinage Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The debasement of the coinage - Research Paper Example Coins have been used as collectors’ items and mediums of expression, but largely used as currency since historical times. Historical minting techniques are still being used, though nowadays people leverage on technology for efficiency. Precious metals and mints require techniques used to ensure that the value of the constituent precious metal does not exceed the face value of the coin. Understanding these techniques plays a critical role in understanding inflation control. Introduction The use of precious metals as a medium of exchange is said to have began in Egypt, though this took the form of rings, wafers and bars.According to Vincent Lannoye, Lydia, nowadays referred to as Turkey, was the first smelter of small ingots having a royal seal to certify legality and weight (19). Rulers quickly integrated these micro-ingots into their economies. The Lydian people accepted payments in electrum metal, which is an alloy of gold and natural silver. These micro-ingots developed into coins that were minted by masculine men who could strike blank discs to leave engravings that certified the origin of the coins. Through the centuries, coin making, referred to as coinage, improved fast. More regular coins became available through the replacement of the bank discs with regular laminated metal plates. Later, quasi-uniform coins came into existence with the replacement of the hammer with the screw-press and furthered the adoption of the rolling-press, which was rotated by horse power. Minting Minting of coins has been a precise and well-guarded function of selected mints commissioned and governed by respective authorities in various countries. From the outset, the minting procedure involved producing precise blanks with defined weights and composition and producing coin-striking tools. Principally, these requirements still hold from historical times, as observed by the Marshall Cavendish Corporation, only that the methods have been improving with technical progress a nd industrialization (507). Historically, the Lydian people poured the molten electrum into suitable forms, starting from simple moulds to more complicated ones. In the 16th Century, the thickness of metal sheets was reduced through hammering with the blanks cut out using shears, then filed and hammered to the desired thickness and weight. The period about 1550 saw a German silversmith, known as Marx Schwab, invent screw pressing. This involved two heavy iron screws pressing the coin metal so as to achieve the desired thickness. Roller-mills facilitated the production of uniform metal strips from which metal punches cut the blanks (Christopher Howgego 76). The mechanized form of this technique still finds application in modern coin minting. The Industrial Age discovery since 1830 allowed hundreds of circulation coins to be produced in a minute, with modern mechanical mints adopting even faster speeds. Therefore, the United States Mint, the manufacturer and distributor of American co ins, has its modern process borrowed from this history. The mint punches blanks from coiled metal strips, referred to as blanking. This would then be softened through heating in an annealing furnace, and then taken through a washer and dryer. The blanks then pass through an upsetting mill onto a coining press that stamps the inscriptions and designs to guarantee genuineness. The resultant coins would then be inspected for quality, counted and bagged. Governments have throughout the history supplied more coins than would be possible if the coins were made of pure precious metals. Normally, some portion of the precious metal used to make the coin would be replaced by a base metal. Howgego states that copper and nickel are some of the commonly used base metals (43). This in turn reduces the intrinsic value of the coin, referred to as â€Å"debasing.†This way, authorities produce a lot more coins that it would have been otherwise possible. C. E. Challis observes that the coins i n circulation could have fiat values lower than the
Friday, July 26, 2019
Individual project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Individual project - Research Paper Example Differences also affect the reach to social resources, decision making, and performance potential due to lack of opportunities for a particular group. Power and authority also gets the impact from diversity issues in the workplace resulting in gaps in rewards that affect the outcomes. Human resource management plays a strategic role in the success of a firm. There are a number of issues and situations that a human resource handles in day-to-day functions. Other than maintaining the ethical standards and concepts, a human resource manager is responsible to manage workplace diversity in the organization for the strategic benefit of the firm. Challenges of workplace diversity can be met by motivating workforce via gain-sharing and executive information system via planning, organizing, and managing the human resources. Dimensions of workplace diversity relate but are not limited to age, ethnicity, ancestry, gender, physical abilities/qualities, race, sexual orientation, educational background, geographic location, income, marital status, military experience, religious beliefs, parental status, and work experience (Dr. Chan, 2010). In the book, Beyond Race and Gender, R. Roosevelt Thomas defines managing diversity as "a comprehensive managerial process for developing an environment that works for all employees" (Lindenberger & Stolz-Loike, 2010). Workforce diversity impacts organizational outcomes. According to DiTomaso et al. (2007), interest in the concept of workforce diversity was a way to identify the sudden changes in social set up that impacted the organizations widely. Although these changes in society were not abrupt but the cultural and demographic diversity impacted the workplace environment greatly. The structural dealing among groups affects the results in the short and long term. The concept has been discussed much with regard to dissemination of service in the workgroups or organizations although sufficient research has
Article Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Article Reflection - Essay Example Importantly, input of the teachers’ expertise in the educational growth of the students enables them to develop their creativity. Teachers from working class schools are not enthusiastic about developing the skills of their students beyond the curriculum requirements. However, instructors from elite and affluent schools assist students in nurturing life and career skills that will benefit students well beyond the school years (Anyon, 1980). These differences bring about the imbalance in the quality of students from the two institutions. Generally, scholars from elite and affluent schools have additional skills other than the basic educational requirements of curriculums. Essentially, these skills assist the students overcome numerous life hurdles and enhance their problem solving capabilities Introduction Education is an essential necessity that the government usually provides to its citizens. Governments are the major providers of education since they meet a sizeable part of their annual budgets. However, the education system is inclusive of privately funded institutions, which offer a competitive edge to their students in comparison to the public schools. Anyon, (1980) confirms the variations of the students are sparking intense debate of the merits of different education systems. It is inevitable to question the characteristics that define the preference of either of the two education systems. ... Understanding, present schooling requires evaluation of objectives, structures and political dynamics. Evidently, individuals assume schools solely teach curriculums, for instance, Math, Chemistry, and outdoor activities, such as sports and club participation. Schools are avenues that mould the future of the student socially, intellectually, politically and culturally. Implications of the Social Status on Education According to Anyon (1980), the research could classify the educational requirements into four social strata. These include the â€Å"working schools, middle class schools, affluent professional schools and executive elite institutions†(Anyon, 1980). Student’s educational capabilities are mainly improved or hindered by their families’ socioeconomic standing. Several factors hinder education’s role as â€Å"the great equalizer†of individuals from diverse communities. Schools serving children form meager income families encounter numerous hurdles, for example, attracting qualified teachers, less parental support and meeting student’s requirements (Anyon, 1980). The differences in the student’s cognitive capabilities start from their experience in kindergartens up to higher educational institutions. Work Objective of Schools According to Anyon (1980), the different school classes display different performance objectives and procedures that their teachers practice. The teachers output is vital in shaping the cognitive abilities of the students. Working class schools mainly entails procedural routines and less of discretion in performance of the curriculum objectives. Such procedures limit the imaginative capabilities of the teachers; therefore, they are incapable of informing their students how to scrutinize procedures
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Put and Call options Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Put and Call options - Research Paper Example In the call option the security deposit is allowed to take a certain commodity at a certain price if one chose to. On the other hand the put option has got an insurance policy that protects the commodities against loss in value. When it comes to motivations the buyer of the call option hopes to the price of the underlying product will go up but the seller of the call option hopes for it to go down. The buyer of the put option is advantaged if the prices went down. This is to prevent the risk that is limited to the premium. When it comes to the profits the buyer of the call option hopes that he will make a profit by buying stocks for less than their rising value. The seller of the call option hopes to make profits when the stock prices go down or if the prices go high below the price the buyer pays for creating the call option. When it comes to the put option the buyer is advantaged when the put option expires with the stock price above the strike price. Sellers In the put option make profits if the stock price falls below the strike price. Call options shows how options trading are high risk, high reward by contrasting buying call options with buying stock. Both require the investor to believe that the stock price will rise. However, call options give very high rewards compared to the amount invested if the price appreciates wildly. The downside is that the investor loses all her money if the stock price does not rise well above the strike price (Sheeba 136).
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Arranged marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Arranged marriage - Essay Example According to various anthropologists along with sociologists, marriages reveal the relationship between emotion, privacy, sexuality and ideologies creating a bond between a man and a woman. They also affirmed marriage to be a social institution which attempts to establish broad assortment of social norms that promote ethical behaviors in order to protect the relationship amid mankind (Hart, â€Å"Love by Arrangement: The Ambiguity of ‘Spousal Choice’ In a Turkish Village†). Thesis Statement The discussion henceforth will be emphasized on critically evaluating Gitanjeli Sapra’s argument that arranged marriages are actually healthier as compared to love marriages. With this concern, the Toulmin strategy has been selected to structure the arguments in a comprehensive way. Discussion: Toulmin Strategy for Arguments The conception of ‘Toulmin Strategy for Argument’ comprises six different parts which include ‘claim’, ‘qualificatio n’, ‘rebuttal/observation’, ‘grounds’, ‘warrant’ and ‘backing’. The prime intention of this theory is to provide effective guidance in analyzing as well as constructing a suitable logic of a specific argument through the aid of the aforementioned constituents. The detailed analysis of the aforesaid facets based on the argument of Gitanjeli Sapra has been provided hereunder. Claim Arranged Marriages are actually healthier than the kinds of marriages people are accustomed to in the Western world. Since ages, marriages in humankind are regarded to be a sacred practice which intends to generate interpersonal affiliation and kinship between the two people, their families and communities. The terminology of ‘arranged marriages’ are viewed to distinguish those marriages which are primarily negotiated by the family members of the bride and the groom rather than any couple themselves. This kind of marriages is also ackno wledged as prearranged marriages. In relation to the argument which deals with reference to the fact that arranged marriages are actually healthier in comparison with any other marriages, it can be stated that arranged marriages possess numerous significant advantages as compared to other kinds of marriages. The arguments regarding arranged marriages have been mostly based on the perception that such kinships are proportionately healthier in comparison to love marriages as arranged marriages strengthen both economic as well as social ties between the couples (Hart, â€Å"Love by Arrangement: The Ambiguity of ‘Spousal Choice’ In a Turkish Village†). Grounds The major ground for supporting the claim is that arranged marriages last longer and the rates of divorces are quite less. Stating precisely, it has often been observed that arranged marriages tend to last longer owing to the aspect that the couples are rightly matched through planning and patience as they poss es similar culture and share identical religious upbringing. The other precious learnt feature of arranged marriage depicts that there lies a lesser probable chance of divorces. In this regard, it can be stated that the possible chance of divorcing is quite minimum in the case of arranged marriages as compared to other marriages as the couples belong to similar family backgrounds and share identical views regarding life (Hart, â€Å"Love by Arrangement: The Ambiguity of ‘Spousal Choice’ In a Turkish Village†). Warrant The principle that connects the grounds to the claim is
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Case Against the Privatization of Prisons Essay
The Case Against the Privatization of Prisons - Essay Example As per the dogmas affiliated to the classical and modern economics, the privatization of the government institutions seems to be just the right choice in the contemporary scenario. However, the vital point is that should economic and financial considerations be the only criteria through which the relevance of state and public institutions be gauged Should the important public facilities like the schools, health facilities, education and prisons be left at the mercy of the private sector corporations Certainly it will be utterly myopic to wear the spectacles of economics to access the importance of very vital state institutions like prisons. The prisons in any society are very important social and political institutions. Infact the scope and ambit of prisons as a social institution is utterly different from other institutions like hospitals and schools. So far as other institutions in any dynamic society are concerned, they happen to be primarily service oriented and their efficacy and worth is judged on the basis of the quality of services extended by them. The prisons tend to differ in the sense that they primarily give expression to the collective conscience of a society. The way a society treats and takes care of its offenders is a direct picture of its ethical moorings and value system. The need to rehabilitate the offenders, to take ample steps to bring them back into the national mainstream is something that comes within the purview of the social responsibilities of a nation and demands a considerable sense of responsibility, commitment and involvement. Any attempt to define prisons as institutions where prisoner s reside or are kept in confinement will be utterly narrow and short sighted. Infact, the prisons should be treated more as rehabilitation facilities that primarily exist for the purpose of giving the offenders a chance to serve their sentences and at the same time to facilitate them with just the right kind of environment so as to help them to become better persons and to ensure their assimilation back into the social mainstream. Considering this factor, the contemporary trend towards the privatization of prisons leaves massive scope for doubting the ability and intentions of the private corporations taking over the prisons, to fulfill this onerous social responsibility by allocating requisite funds and resources.The privatization of the prisons is not a new trend. The federal and state governments had already initiated the policy of the privatization of the facilities managed by them a long time ago. Such services primarily included medical facilities, food processing, education a nd vocational training. However, this panache for privatization achieved unprecedented heights with the newfound state predilection for the privatization of the prisons in the late 80s. A great many factors were responsible for this trend. However, the major reason that ultimately convinced the federal and the state governments in favor of the privatizat
Monday, July 22, 2019
Theory of Writing Essay Example for Free
Theory of Writing Essay Writing varies from a text message to a novel. Writers often have a difficult task in creating a piece of work that truly identifies the meaning of good writing. Every good writer usually starts with the basics such as genre, audience, rhetorical situation, and reflection of the piece. Throughout this semester, we have gone through all of these key terms in great detail with each new assignment that has come our way. In doing this, not only as students but also as writers, we have come to create our own theory of writing. Every writer has a different theory of writing though most are very similar. Now, at this point in the semester after doing countless journals, in-class exercises, and final assignments, I think I have figured out my own theory of writing. Theory of writing to me after all of these assignments is still a grey area but I can pick out main points of it. Theory of writing defined by me involves three main points. The first thing is how a writer does his or her best work. For instance, I like to do my writing at night when there is peace and quiet, almost to where I can hear aloud my own thoughts. Secondly, the theory includes what the writer does in planning. My planning includes no planning. I sit at my computer and just start typing all my thoughts on the screen until I do not feel like typing anymore. After that is done I usually cut the fat and revise all of my work. Lastly, I believe that the theory of writing process involves having one main goal in mind supported by smaller â€Å"sub-goals. †Like for example when doing my research essay on concussions in the NFL. I had the main topic of explaining concussions in the NFL with smaller â€Å"ingredients†helping me explain like the hits on a defenseless player rule and countless other ingredients to help me create my ultimate â€Å"burrito. Also in my theory of writing, I have learned to accept the four key terms (audience, genre, rhetorical situation, and reflection) as important concepts to keep in mind while writing all of the major assignments. Each term has a different meaning to me and I have learned more and more throughout this semester after each assignment. The very first assignment introduced me to these terms, where I still did not know exactly what they meant but I had a general idea. Look more: process analysis essay I learned that genre affects what is being ritten because it sets the stage for what should be done and what readers expect by picking up the writing. Writers may go into writing a piece of art by combining a few genres but always have one genre that will shadow over the others. For example Martin Luther King Jr. ’s piece, â€Å"A Letter from Birmingham Jail,†has a specific genre, which is even stated in the title as a letter. King Jr. ’s piece can also be looked at as a persuasive essay because he is trying to convince his point of equality to the clergymen of Birmingham. When speaking of genre, I also have to incorporate audience because these two terms come hand in hand. A writer’s audience is the readers expectations of what they are going to be reading. Each genre usually has a specific audience. In the King Jr. speech, his initial audience was for the clergymen of Birmingham. Just like genre, there can be multiple audiences for one piece. King Jr. was also talking to the people who supported his equality point by saying we have waited too long for a change and need to act now. Rhetorical situation on the other hand was probably and still is the hardest key term for me to understand. I learned that Rhetorical situation is the circumstance in which you communicate. This involves the writer’s personal factors, the purpose of the writing, the genre, the audience, the topic, and the context for which you are writing. A writer’s personal factors include his or her background such as beliefs (religious or political), where they were raised, how they were raised, life experiences, etc. The purpose of writing is why as a writer you even started to write a certain piece. For instance the reason why I am writing this assignment along with the other three assignments is because I would like to receive a grade for my work. While doing this, I am also learning how to write better as a young adult going into the mature world where writing is key component in everyday life. Lastly, reflection is usually conceived as an after thought. Reflection is known to be more personal to the writer. This is good for a writer to link personal experiences into the writing. Not only is the author reflecting but also the audience too by creating a mental image in their head. Everyone will not have the same reflection because each individual thinks differently about various topics. For instance in the magazine article â€Å"Is Google Making us Stoopid? †by Nicholas Carr. Carr explains that Google is something you are researching rather than learning. In the article, Carr explains his reasoning like â€Å"When the Net absorbs a medium, that medium is recreated in the Net’s image. It injects the medium’s content with hyperlinks, blinking ads, and other digital gewgaws, and it surrounds the content with the content of all the other media it has absorbed. A new e-mail message, for instance, may announce its arrival as we’re glancing over the latest headlines at a newspaper’s site. The result is to scatter our attention and diffuse our concentration. †This quote makes me as a reader imagine someone clicking off the screen to another window where the email site is. It also makes me reflect on when I may have done this sort of action. I actually just minimized this paper because I just heard a Facebook chat message come in. Some people may not get distracted at all while reading. But this example shows how reflection comes about. Readers may not know this while reading, but most relate personal experiences while reading a certain piece. After learning these key terms in the first assignment, I tried applying this part of my theory to the rest of the assignments throughout the semester. During my research essay, I found myself thinking about my broad topic, concussions in the NFL. The NFL has such a big fan base that I did not know how to satisfy all of them. So my research essay was mainly for adults who do not know the science part of concussions and also doctors who do not know what football is trying to do about concussions. After finding out my genre and audience, I was able to use rhetorical situation and reflection in my paper as well by putting some of my own experiences with football into the paper. Overall, the research assignment though did not help me think about my theory of writing too much because I just looked at the assignment as another paper. On the other hand, the genre composition assignment opened my eyes wide open to my own theory of writing. The genre project was very different but help me realize how important genre and audience coherency really is. Like I established earlier, football has such a large audience that it is hard to incorporate all in one genre. So with three genres at hand, I was able to get almost every part of that audience. I broke the football audience into three groups: children, young adults, and adults. For each part of the audience, I had to think of a distinct genre to fit that audience. I ended up creating a video script for children, a magazine article for young adults, and a brochure for adults. Thinking of the different genres for the different audiences was not hard, but actually creating the different genres was difficult. It was difficult because as the writer I needed to think about the particular audience I was writing for. For instance when composing the script for the informational commercial, I needed to think about the children and what they would see when watching this since they were my target audience. Therefore, I need to write the script so a child can listen in and understand the message I am trying to get across about head injuries in football. I had to do this with all my audiences. That is why I think audience is the most important part of my writing theory. Coming into this class, rhetorical situation may have been the strongest part of my writing theory because I thought no matter what, you should always put some part of yourself in the writing. When doing the genre composition project, I felt like I did not put any of my own experiences into the writing so my previous theory had been compromised! Since I have come up with my own theory, I can now apply it to other writing assignments in school and also the real world. Writing is an essential part to the working world, and if one does not know how to write properly, they will not go far. I am going to be training to be a firefighter in the summer and next year while going to school. I want to ultimately work as a firefighter, which many would think does not involve a lot of writing. It actually does. Whenever the fire department is called out to a scene, a firefighter has to take a report of the scene and who was involved. If done improperly, the firefighter may be fired. Also when a firefighter moves up in rank to the lieutenant and captain positions, paperwork is their life. That is why I am in college now to learn essential skills that can be applied to firefighting and to also have a backup plan if firefighting does not work out. My theory of writing has grown throughout this semester and it will continue growing all my life until I die. It does not stop with this class, though this class has taught me a lot about certain key terms and has opened my eyes to new theories. I will add on to my theory of writing as I grow as a writer.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Factors That Affect Travel And Tourism
Factors That Affect Travel And Tourism TERM OF HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY Service providers such as restaurants, hotels, motels, inns are classified under the umbrella of the hospitality industry. The hospitality word come from a French word hospice meaning to provide care for travelers from distant countries to feel at home in the county they are visiting. Hospitality industry is growing by day and it span all over the world. 1.2) Advantages Our country Malaysia will gain a lot of advantages from the hospitality industry as this industry will create job opportunities for the country and increases the revenue of the country through tourism. Taking for example the high level or the 4/5 stars hotel like Golden Sand Hotel, having to hire enough man power or part time workers to cater for the increase of tourist. Workers need will be at the Front Desk department and the Housekeeping Department. This not only benefits permanent staff but also those students who need extra income to finance their studies. The hospitality industry is not the only industry which will profit when the numbers for tourist from other countries increases. Every industry players in the country also wants to gain some profit such as when tourist visit a country for a day or more they would have to search for a suitable place to stay. Looking for accommodation one has to assess the purpose of their visit and Traders Hotel is the best choice for business visits. If the tourist visiting a country to relax themselves, then budget hotels and above would be a better choice. Food and Beverage Industry is the second industry which will benefit to earn a large amount of profit. Travellers visiting a country will travel around to find food when hungry. Malaysia food or our local cuisine will be their choice and with this income will be generated for the Food and Beverage Industry. In case any local wishing to operate a restaurant out station, tourist will have to the opportunity to try it and their food will be easily be accepted, Tourist from countries like Gengland, Germany and Japan were impressed to see our beautiful beaches and our historical buildings. The tallest tower in Kuala Lumpur, the Twin Tower will be a great surprise to them as their country does not have such tall tower or structure. They will also tell their friend at home of the magnificence things that Malaysia has offered. Malaysia will create a name for herself when tourist visits Malaysia. With this the hospitality and tourism industry will bloom when the satisfied tourist return to visit. Malaysia Visit Malaysia Year promotion will be permitted to put up posters advertisement on the public transport. Business and trade opportunities will flourish with visitors visiting Malaysia via the Hospitality Industry. They will be captivated by some of the resources that Malaysia can offer such as rubber and tin ore and in return the economy of Malaysia will improve. Science and Technology in countries like America, China and Japan are more advanced than Malaysia who is still slightly behind will gain better knowledge by learning from these advanced countries. The professional and cons of everything. The benefits of the Hospitality Industry are that it will make Malaysia shine but at the same time it will also bring in some disadvantages to our country. 1.3) Disadvantages The increase in crime rate is what we see as the most disadvantages that our country will face. It must be forgotten that al tourist from other countries that apply visa to visit our country comes with good intention. There may be some criminal from other countries coming to Malaysia to escape from the law of their own country. They might commit crimes in our country such as murder, robbery and other things associated with crime. On the other hand, visiting tourist from other countries visiting Malaysia, they will stay in hotels and this in return bring in profits to the lodging Industry. This is good for our country. With the increase in arrival of tourist there might not be enough rooms to cater especially during the peak season. Three or four stars hotel normally does not have a lot of rooms unlike the five star hotels, so the question is where are these travelers going to stay? These day, frequent raids have been conducted on night sport, entertainment outlets, bars and small shady hotel to wipe out foreigners who enter the country on tourist visa as many have exploited their visa by working illegally in the country especially in the night entertainment industry. This has caused a lot of home to break as the men would visit these places frequently, thus divorce rate might increase by 40%. Another factor to be looked into is the policy of the government caught between the two sectors. They might be caught in between upgrading the airport or to build new factories. At times the choice made may not be correct. If upgrading the airport is their choice than the Hospitality and Tourism Industry will flourish and on the other hand they might ignore the development or manufacturing industry. At such the countrys growth will not be in balance. Culture change and beliefs will be another factory that Malaysia needs to address due to the arrival of tourist whereby they will bring in such cultures and beliefs that may not benefit our country. One example is the dressing whereby our youngsters were influence to start wearing western dressing which is short and revealing. Due to all these our conservative nature, old tradition will phase off and soon forgotten. In conclusion, Hospitality Industry needs to be upgraded so as to generate enough income for the countrys development. On the other hand our government needs to put in more effort to preserve the tradition of our country. 2.0) QUESTION 2 Find out the factors that affecting travel and tourism. Explain in detail. 2.1) FACTORS THAT AFFECTING TRAVEL AND TOURISM It is the dream of every country to be listed as the first country one would like to visit for holidays or business. The popularity and so is the economy will be increased when having tourist from other countries. Hoping to draw in more tourists most countries are frequently into ways to develop or improve or upgrade their tourist spots. To further attract tourist promotions and advertisement have to be done often. There are several factors that can have negative effect on the Travel and Tourism Industry which cannot be avoided such as below. Weather Conditions One factor that can deter a tourist from visiting a country is weather which human do not have the capability to combat it since it is the product of nature. If a country encounters extreme bad weather such as a blizzard, heat wave or heavy snow fall off no tourist will want to make that visit. During certain times of the year some countries experience heavy rainfall resulting in floods and that will hamper the tourist to make visits as it will be very inconvenient to do shopping or sightseeing. Natural Disasters Earthquakes or tsunamis are act of god and cannot be controlled by human. During any earthquake occurrence loss of lives, serious damaged to properties and infrastructure will be badly damaged. Taking for example the recent earthquake that hit Japan. All tourists had their booking for the holidays either have their booking cancelled and some opted for change to a safer destination. Disease Outbreaks or Plagues A human brain works better compared to that of animals and that allows us to think logically. In case where there is an outbreak of disease and plague in a country, tourist will avoid making visits to that country. To persuade a tourist to visit a country down with such disaster is not easy especially those who do not want to take any chance of falling ill. No tourist would like to take chances or put their family in danger by going to such affected places no matter how much the visit means to them or for whatever reasons as some disease like Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) would be fatal. Countries at War No tourist of sound mind would like to visit a war-torn country. People visiting this war-torn country are mostly journalist sent to cover news of the war and also some who would like to see the suffering of the people of that country. During such period the government of that country is more concern about winning the war and not attracting tourist. In short that very country will no longer have places of attraction or scenic beauty which is safe for tourist from other country to admire or enjoy as lives will be lost daily due to the unrest. Who would like to be caught in the crossfire of the two opposing forces in the country? Economy In times of economic recession people will be more careful in the way their money is spent. Saving money will be their main agenda and the money they will spend will be concentrated on food instead of other shopping. Even though there is a need to have a break they will go to a places nearer to home where they do not have to pay accommodation charges or other charges which were increased to cushion the inflation by staying in hotels for a day or two. Tourist will also be discouraged to travel until such time when the recession is over. Season The kind of holidays and the climate suitable is the decision tourist takes in consideration when planning their holidays. Some tourists prefer to visit countries during winter to enjoy the snow and also winter sports. Older people prefer to go to countries to enjoy the sunshine because most of the older people dislike cold and freezing places. Family with children will definitely look towards holidays in places where they can share the fun with their children in theme parks like Sunway Lagoon and etc. Insufficient Promotions or Advertisements Tourist will not take chances to visit places that they are not well informed about the people, country and sceneries. They might not be able to visualize if the country they are visiting lives up to their expectation. In conclusion, a country well maintained free from diseases, minimal crime rate, good economy and free from war is the most preferred destination a tourist would look forward to.
Review of Binding Updates Security in MIPv6
Review of Binding Updates Security in MIPv6 Avishek Dutta Vikram Raju R. Abstract Mobile Nodes (MN) in Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) are given the opportunity to eliminate triangle routing that is inefficient with their own corresponding node (CN) using Route Optimization (RO). This greatly improves the performance of the network. Unfortunately, using this method allows several security vulnerabilities to manifest itself with the MIPv6. Among those, common issues are those concerns the verification of authenticity and authorization of Binding Updates during the process of RO. These types of unauthenticated and unauthorized BUs are the key to various types of malicious attacks. Since it is expected that MIPv6 will be supported by IPv6, several mechanism to ensure BU security will be crucial in the next generation Internet. This article focuses on Mobile IPv6 and security considerations. Keywords/Index Termâ€â€IKE, Mobile IPv6, Network Security, Potential threats in MIPv6 I. Introduction The way MIPv6 operates can be seen in Figure 1 [1], with 3 node types, namely the Home Agent (HA), Mobile Node (MN) and the Corresponding Node (CN) [2], while MN’s mobility is detected by a router advertisement message including an MN able to make a router send its advertisement message by request, if needed. Following mobility detection, the MN gets a CoA unlike in MIPv4, after which it sends the BU message to the HA and the communicated corresponding node (a node wishing to connect to, or is communicating with MN). The HA and corresponding node update the binding list and send acknowledgement messages [1], meaning that the Mobile IPv6 allows an MN to alter its attachment point to the internet while maintaining established communications [3]. This paper presents an analysis of both Route Optimisation (RO) and Identity Based Encryption (IBE) protocol with proposal to strengthen the level of security of a BU method. This method uses the public key to create an authentication th at is stronger. II. MN-HA Authentication Mutual authentication between an MN and its HA is mandatory in MIPv6, and usually performed with IPSec and IKE, while session key generation and authentication are done with IKE. Using X.509 certificates in IKE is the existing method of performing these tasks. The MN moves to a foreign network and obtains a new CoA. MN carries out a BU on its HA (where the new CoA is registered). HA sends a binding acknowledgement to MN. A Correspondent Node (CN) tries to contact MN, with HA intercepting packets destined to MN. Next, HA tunnels all packets from CN to MN using MNs CoA. When MN replies to the CN, it may use its current CoA (and bind to the CN) and communicate with the CN directly (â€Å"route optimization†), or it could tunnel all its packets through the HA. Sometimes MN and HA share a common secret, possibly occurring in WLAN instances when MN shifts to another WLAN which requires authentication [4]. If there are no shared secrets, extending the IKEv2 authentication process to identity-based authentication as opposed to X.509-based authentication certificates is usual. It can also be assumed that both MN and HA use the same PKG, and according to the relationship between these three entities, any trust level from I to III may be applied during private key delivery. Regarding IKE, two main methods of implementing IBE exist, the first of which involves modifying IKE’s four-way handshake while the second utilizes EAP to generate a new IBE-based EAP authentication method [4]. A. Modifying IKE IKE could implement IBE through the addition of a third authentication method, other than the previous shared secret and X.509 authentication. Instead of X.509 certificates, IKE also uses â€Å"IBE certificates†. IBE-based authentication functions fundamentally the same as X.509 authentication, in that to authenticate peers the same information block should be signed as in the X.509-based authentication, in addition to a signature based on IBE (i.e. the Hess signature). Currently, identities are replacing certificates and revocation lists do not need to be checked. Ehmke (2007) implemented a prototype which can realize this idea. Performance wise, clearly transmit certificates or certificate requests are no longer necessary since the IKE identity can be used straight as the public key for authentication. Also, expensive certificate-chain checking is redundant while elliptic curve cryptography-based hardware- accelerated IBE algorithms are sometimes quite efficient, particularl y in embedded devices [4]. B. Extensible Authentication Protocol Several wireless networks utilize the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) [5] for access authentication. EAP techniques commonly deal with AAA servers which affect the required authentications, after which notifications are relayed back to a functional module (Network Access Server) in the access network. For Mobile IPv6 [6], the Binding Authentication Data option [7] helps enable different authentication techniques, while a subtype exists for AAA- based authentication like EAP. On the other hand, there still are EAP methods requiring extra handling and specifications which present Binding Authentication Data option documentation does not provide. Currently, specification from this document is for at least some very widely deployed EAP methods, so, often, when EAP is needed, Mobile IPv6 tunnel redirection to a wireless device’s new CoA can be done much faster [8-10]. C. Using Extensible Authentication Protocol Figure 2 illustrates possible steps in EAP implementation. It is advisable to use EAP as part when establishing a concurrent shared key to be used in the final two message exchanges leading to authentication [4]. Chen and Kudla’s key agreement with IBE technique is one alternative protocol (protocol 2’ in [11]) that can function in the absence of a key escrow, so CERTREQ and CERT messages in steps 2, 3, 4 are not necessary (Figure. 2). Figure 3 illustrates the resulting IKE Initial Message exchange. 1. I _ R: HDR, SAi1, KEi, Ni 2. R _ I: HDR, SAr1, KEr, Nr, [CERTREQ] 3. I _ R: HDR, ESK{IDi,[CERTREQ,][IDr,]SAi2,TSi,TSr} 4. R _ I: HDR, ESK{IDr,[CERT,]AUTH,EAP} 5. I _ R: HDR, ESK{EAP} 6. R _ I: HDR, ESK{EAP} .. n. R _ I: HDR, ESK{EAP(success)} n+1. I _ R: HDR, ESK{AUTH} n+2. R _ I: HDR, ESK{AUTH,SAr2,TSi,TSr} Fig 2. IKE Initial Message Exchange: Authentication using EAP [12]. Here, the same PKG is shared by MN and HA, where P is a public PKG parameter, and HA and MN choose the random numbers a and b, respectively. The Chen-Kudla protocol produces a session key solely for message 7 and 8 authentication. The AUTH payloads have to authenticate messages 3 and 4 based on MAC and a secret key generated by an EAP protocol [11]. 1. MN _ HA: HDR, SAMN1, KEMN, NMN 2. HA _ MN: HDR, SAHA1, KEHA, NHA 3. MN _ HA: HDR, ESK{IDMN,[IDHA,]SAMN2,TSMN,TSHA} 4. HA _ MN: HDR, ESK{IDHA,AUTH,EAP_CK_Req(a ·P,a ·QHA)} 5. MN _ HA: HDR, ESK{EAP_CK_Res(b ·P,b ·QMN)} 6. HA _ MN: HDR, ESK{EAP(success)} 7. MN _ HA: HDR, ESK{AUTH} 8. HA _ MN: HDR, ESK{AUTH,SAHA2,TSMN,TSHA} Fig 3. IKE Initial Message Exchange: EAP with IBE Authentication [12]. But since IBE uses PKG, it is almost impossible to guess which MN will be communicated by the CN. We cannot simply assume the same PKG is used by both MN and CN. Multi-PKG is used instead but it is not recommended for larger networks. III. MN-CN Authentication Via the MIPv6 protocol, MN can keep its network connection even when the network attachment modifies [13]. An MN can be reached at its home address (HA) anytime, even when not physically in its home network. When an MN is connected to a foreign network it obtains a CoA from the local router through stateless or stateful autoconfiguration. Next, for home r egistra tion, the MN sends HA its current location information (CoA) in a BU message, then HA can redirect and tunnel packets intended. for the MN’s home address, to the MN’s CoA. When a foreign network MN is in contact with a CN (a stationary or mobile peer communicating with a MN) through the HA, bidirectional tunnelling takes place for instances when CN is not bound to the MN (registration is in progress) or MIPv6 is not supported by CN [4]. If the CN supports MIPv6, a more effective mobile routing technique, Route Optimization (RO), can be used. RO is effective as it provides the most direct, shortest path of transmitting messages between an MN and a CN, eliminating the need for packets to pass through the HA, and avoiding triangular routing (bidirectional tunnelling). Prior to setting up RO, the MN must send CN a BU packet containing its CoA with present location data. On the other hand, security risks with RO [14] can be for example that an MN may send CN a false BU packet and redirect the communication stream to a desired location, resulting in a Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack. Thus, for increased security, it is important to authenticate BUs in RO [4] [15]. What happens between a CN and MN is not the same as between an MN and its HA. Since CN could be any node, MN and CN have no shared secrets or trusted certificates. Thus, Return Routability (RR) can be used, as: †¢ An MN sends CN a home test init (HoTi) and care-of test init (CoTi). HoTi is sent directly through the HA and CoTi. HoTi has the home address and CoTi has the CoA as source addresses, both including a cookie. †¢ Upon receiving either HoTi or CoTi message, CN immediately answers with a home test (HoT) and care- of test (CoT) message which gets sent to the respective source address. Each reply contains the cookie recovered from the nonce indenx, corresponding init message, and a keygen token, later for BU authentication use. When MN receives HoT and CoT, RR is done. Only MN can receive packets sent to both its HA and CoA, and can now hash the two tokens to calculate the binding key. This key is utilized for generating a Message Authentication Code (MAC) for BUs, and MAC can be verified by CN. RR provides an analysis of a nodes reach-ability during authentication but do not validate address ownership in IPv6. IV. MIPv6 Security Analysis Providing security against different types of malicious attacks e.g. denial of service (DoS), connection hijacking, man- in-the-middle and impersonation, are the basic objectives for the development of IPv6. The objective of improved security is to create routing changes that are safe against all threats. Threats are based on the routing changes that provides mobility in the network. Threats faced by Mobile IPv6 security can be divided into different categories: __ Binding update (BU) to HA type threats __ Route Optimisation to CN type threats __ Threats that attack the tunnelling process between HA and MN __ Threats that uses Mobile IPv6 routing header to return traffic of other nodes Binding update and route optimisation threats are related to authentication of binding messages. Communication between MN and HA needs trust and communication authentication. This is because MN agrees to implement the HA services therefore relationship between the two must first be secure. However, the CN and MN does not have prior relationship but authenticating messages between the two is still possible. For example, this is possible by authenticating the public key. If a malicious packet is sent to the HA using the same source address as the MN, the HA will then forward the packet containing the MNs source address contained in the malicious node. However, this DoS attack can be prevented by using an algorithm to verify the BU message receives by the HA. Such threat can also be avoided when a new routing header is used to replaces the incorrect header that manoeuvres around firewall rules and obtaining a constrained address [16, 17]. V. Proposed Protection of BU Message Corresponding Author: XYZ, [emailprotected] Once the BU message is complete, the MN will receive normal traffic from the CN with the new CoA. The CN with the new nonce sends to the MN a Binding Update Verification (BUV) within a specific time frame e.g. 10 seconds. The MN then needs to reply within 10 seconds otherwise the connection between MN and CN will be terminated. This method minimises any damages caused by bombing attacks where packets are sent to the MN by malicious nodes. Cryptography Generated Address (CGA) can also be use to make spoofing type attacks more harder. Private keys can be use to signed the message as well. Since redirection attacks requires both public and private keys to perform[18-20]. Possible threats and solution is listed in table 1 [4, 17]. VI. Conclusion The requirement for Mobile IPv6 is still not complete considering there are some essential issues that are not addressed. One of the most important issues are protocol security because without secure protection against attacks, the protocol would not be accepted thus will not work at all. Presently, the standard method use for BU protection in transport mode as well as securing the connection for control message sent during home registration method is the Encapsulation Security Payload (ESP). IPSec has several advantages over SSL/TLS which is IPSec can perform without IP restriction, any protocol can be encrypted and also encrypt any packets with just their IP headers. Unfortunately, IPSec needs to be configured with various settings thus making it complicated. The IKE protocol can control the mutual authentication and cryptographic algorithm negotiations as well as dynamic key management. Additionally, authentication method such as shared secret, Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) or X.509 certificates can be use to create safe communication between peers. References/Bibliography G. Eason, B. Noble, and I. N. Sneddon, On certain integrals of Lipschitz-Hankel type involving products of Bessel functions, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, vol. 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Saturday, July 20, 2019
Free College Essays - Siddhartha and Govinda :: Hesse Siddhartha Essays
Siddhartha and Govinda  Siddhartha, written by Herman Heese, is a book about a man’s journey to find his inner self beginning as when he was a child and ending when he was of old age. Siddhartha, while on this quest, searched for different mentors to teach him what they know, hoping to find truth and balance in and of the universe. At the end of the novel, Siddhartha reaches the enlightenment through many teachings. Govinda, Siddhartha’s childhood friend, sees Siddhartha many times after they separate while Govinda follows Buddha. The final time they meet, Siddhartha shares many teachings that he has learned by experience. One teaching is that in every truth, the opposite is also true. He also says that a single body in which everything past, present, and future are all one. Siddhartha holds up a stone in example, showing that one thing, is enfolded in the past, present, and future. He also stated is that language is only a device, and that wisdom is not incommunicable. This means that through experience, wisdom is attainable, but if you try to teach enlightenment, the meaning will not be fully appreciated by whom it is taught to. These changes in Siddhartha reflect that he has indeed reached enlightenment, the state in which Buddha also achieved. Enlightenment is a blessed state in which the person goes beyond desire and suffering and attains a state in which the person has attained unbiased wisdom and compassion, or Nirvana. Siddhartha having the smile of Gotama also conveys this in the book that he has attained Nirvana. The smile is peaceful and radiant to all that see it.  Siddhartha journey has affected him in many ways. First to reach Nirvana, he had to endure the pains of life. First the pains of hunger and strife that he experienced with the Samanas in the forest, and second, the pains that he experienced in love through the loss of his lover Kamala, and the loss of his son Young Siddhartha.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Horror and Self-punishment in Sophocles Oedipus Rex Essay -- Oedipus
Horror and Self-punishment in Sophocles' Oedipus Rex An ancient plate portraying Oedipus listening to the riddle of the Sphinx. Oedipus Rex is a play whose qualities of inscrutability and of pervasive irony quickly come to complicate any critical discussion. It is a play of transformations in which things change before our eyes as we watch; where meanings and implications seem to be half-glimpsed beneath the surface of the text only to vanish as we try to take them in; and where ironical resemblance and reflections abound to confuse our response. The play encourages us to make connections and to draw out implications that in the end we are forced to reassess, to question and perhaps abandon. The play's meaning through two oppositions is defined by its stage action and its language, are parallel and complimentary to each other. The play is, in a way that determines our response to its meaning, a sequential experience. Our response is shaped through the duration of its performance. The opening of the play presents us with a gathering, the old and the young, no women, no fully adult males, so that Oedipus is, at once, magnified and isolated. His calm authority is overwhelming and majestic. But on what does Oedipus' authority rest? There is a crucial uncertainty here. The opening scenes present us with an image of Oedipus as a political figure, a human king whose power derives from the community he rules, whose perceptions and whose feelings are indissoluble bound up with the experience of the men of Thebes, whose language he speaks and where he belongs. We are swept aside as a gathering panic occupies Oedipus' mind at hearing mention of a place he remembers, where he once killed a man. If that man was Laius, Oedipus s... ...e vain attempts of mankind to escape the evil that threatens them. There is an unmistakable indication in the text of Sophocles' tragedy itself that the legend of Oedipus sprang from some primeval dream-material that had as its content the distressing disturbance of a child's relation to his parents owing to the first stirring of sexuality. At a point when Oedipus, though he is not yet enlightened, has begun to feel troubled by his recollections of the oracle, Jocasta consoles him by referring to a dream, as she thinks, it has no meaning. It is clearly the key to the tragedy and the complement to the dream of the dreamer's father being dead. The story of Oedipus is the reaction of the imagination to these typical dreams. And just as the dreams, when dreamt by adults, are accompanied by feelings of repulsion, so too the legend must include horror and self-punishment.
Body and Nature as Signifying System in A Thousand Acres Essay
Body and Nature as Signifying System in A Thousand Acres The female body, in literature as in other texts, functions as a kind of signifying system; a site of continuous signification. Traditionally, this has been understood in terms of transposing patriarchal or even misogynist cultural values onto the construction of the female body. In A Thousand Acres, however, Smiley turns this around. Just as this novel tries to gain control of the discourse of King Lear, and of metaphors of women therein, it also foregrounds the body as a textual matrix through which the subject can understand herself and the world. For Ginny Cook, social interaction escapes the realm of language, because so much of what is going on is hidden and because Larry is this silent signifier that only has to be to signify. Instead, she processes the information bodily. Thinking of Caroline's snubbing of her sisters when getting married, Ginny "realized that I felt the insult physically, an internal injury." (139) Later, shame, one of the feelings most often arising in Ginny with impetu... Body and Nature as Signifying System in A Thousand Acres Essay Body and Nature as Signifying System in A Thousand Acres The female body, in literature as in other texts, functions as a kind of signifying system; a site of continuous signification. Traditionally, this has been understood in terms of transposing patriarchal or even misogynist cultural values onto the construction of the female body. In A Thousand Acres, however, Smiley turns this around. Just as this novel tries to gain control of the discourse of King Lear, and of metaphors of women therein, it also foregrounds the body as a textual matrix through which the subject can understand herself and the world. For Ginny Cook, social interaction escapes the realm of language, because so much of what is going on is hidden and because Larry is this silent signifier that only has to be to signify. Instead, she processes the information bodily. Thinking of Caroline's snubbing of her sisters when getting married, Ginny "realized that I felt the insult physically, an internal injury." (139) Later, shame, one of the feelings most often arising in Ginny with impetu...
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